Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29: Can't Stop Running #KidsDeserveIt

Some days you have it and some days you don’t. Today was one of those days that I had it. Maybe it was the conversation I had with a colleague this morning. Maybe it was it was the weather. Or maybe it my desire. Whatever it was, I channeled it from the very beginning of my run.

Run #8 stats: 10 miles, 1:02.51, 6:17 pace

I scheduled 10 miles on my agenda today. For some reason my legs misunderstood that 10 miles is no short distance because immediately I took off running faster than normal. I tried to go a bit slower that first mile, but my legs refused…so I went with it. Mentally I knew running at a faster pace and adding extra mileage I wasn’t accustomed to was not going to end well. I kept running faster anyway. Mile after mile my legs chugged along. My form was stronger and swifter than it had been in months. I was feeling confident. Mile 7, my usual stopping point came around and went like all the other previous miles. Miles 8, 9, and 10 were just like the rest: too easy.

Days like these happen in teaching. For some reason you have an extra boost and pep in your step. Sometimes this energy last as long as my run did, and sometimes it dies out faster than ever. Whenever you do have these days take advantage of them. Enjoy them and use the energy in ways you might not use it again. Days like today don’t  come around often…and not nearly enough. 

- Mr. P

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