Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Roller coaster

 2021 has been a roller coaster ride for the ages.

        January, like every January is like strapping in your seatbelt on the ride. You’re nervous and excited, just like you are for the new year! You’ve set new goals and hopes. This is what you waited so long in line for, now it’s time to go.


            Then you start moving toward and up the incline. You immediately realize…maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Think of this as the goals you’ve set (working out more, saving money, etc.). It hits you that maybe you need to rethink your priorities. 


            Now you’re at the top! This is moment you’ve worked all year for. Life is good. You have a moment to yourself. It’s the calm before the storm. You can finally breathe again. Except…


            Down you go! Loop de loop, twist, turn, another loop, speed increases, one after one. It feels like you’re spiraling out of control. Things aren’t going your way. You can’t control what’s happening. As a matter fact, you’re just along for the ride.


            Suddenly the breaks clamp, the ride slows to crawl. It’s over. You can relax. It’s a relieving feeling. After getting off the ride you realize…it wasn’t all that bad.


The reality is every year is a roller coaster ride that doesn’t stop. The ride can go in any order you, your career, or the world chooses. Sometimes it’s predictable (daily commute to work), and sometimes it isn’t (new boss, family crisis, new opportunities). This year was my rollercoaster. 


It all started (as most years do) with lots of optimism. Then the twists and turns happened in late January: my principal moved, and a girl broke up with me, and depression set in. After my heartbreaks, I experienced two big inclines and thrills: I went ziplining for the first time and I went to the beach by myself. I remember the nervousness I felt as I drove to both, but afterward I was thankful I went. I ended up going to the beach over 7 times this year! These followed more loops: never ending Covid rule changes, my self-inflected hot sauce punishment, and being forced to use a workbook that isn’t best for my class. 


In all, there’s been many big highs: surprising my parents this summer, $12,000 in donations to my classroom, and I finished my long endorsement class just to name a few. I’ve learned a lot about myself more than any other year and proud of the growth I’ve made. Despite the twists and turns, there was plenty of peaks, inclines, and thrills! It was a great ride! 


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Eat Sleep Teach Repeat

I have to be honest; I feel like a broken record lately. This school year is harder than last year. 




It’s finally Thanksgiving break and a much needed one. I’m finally able to sit down…and do more work. Oh? You were expecting a different answer? Okay, it was just my online class, and I finished my assignments on first day of break. 


The rest of the week has been much more relaxing; lots of reading, binge watching, and sleeping in. I even ran in a 5k on Thanksgiving Day with 800 others! I’ve made it an emphasis to not work until right now. It feels so good! I feel better mentally and physically for the first time in a long time. 


But it hasn’t been like that the last two months. I’d been in a never ending self-neglecting pattern: eat, sleep, teach, then repeat it all over again. I could sense my attitude was draining. My students and I check in with each other daily, and we all needed this break. It wasn’t for a lack of effort, I tried a multitude of things to change my monotone routine, but none of worked. 


Because I was so exhausted, my writing has suffered. If you been reading my blogs long enough, you know in March I started to write daily about at least one positive thing that happened that day. Over the last month, daily writing has become weekly writing. Before you worry, I was still writing, just at the end of the week I was caught up and trying to recall. (Taking pictures helps!) Now, I’m back on my daily writing grind thankfully. 


This school year has been difficult. I used to think it was just my school because of the major changes, but teachers on social media are saying the same thing; but everyone has a different reason. The pressure to teach the same way and time as other teachers and a mountain of workbooks that were delivered early in the year. Textbooks and computer programs don’t teach boys and girls. Energized, passionate teachers that have trust and freedom do. Teachers know their students and the data behind the results. Maybe I just exhausted trying to teach in a way that’s not me or best for my students.


This break, as breaks normally do, helped awaken me. The good news…we still have 6 months left in the school year. In other words, we (I) still have time to help my students and myself be our best selves. It’s time I to do what’s best for me. That means I have to break the eat, sleep, teach broken record pattern. For me, that means a few things; reading daily, running every other day, and doing what’s best for my students. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Sunday Scaries

They’re coming! Can you see them? They’re getting closer! Watch out! It’s the night before Monday and that can only mean one thing…the Sunday Scaries are upon us! 

        I figured since it’s Sunday and Halloween, today’s topic is perfect. The Sunday Scaries haunt teachers. A Sunday Scary can be defined as the anxiety of the workload a teacher starts feeling the night before Monday. 

Some teacher examples of the Sunday Scaries include:

·      Teacher guilt for enjoying the weekend

·      Jotting down the never-ending to-do list

·      Meal and outfit preparation 

·      Creating, finalizing, sharing lesson plans


For others the Sunday Scaries could include:

·      Dreading the job, they work for

·      The long hours ahead of them

·      The leadership they work under

·      The co-workers and/or costumers

·      The stress of income, bills, and food

        But what if…we made those scaries magically disappear! Teachers should feel energized and fulfilled for enjoying their weekend, never guilty for taking them for themselves, their family, and most importantly their mental health. Lesson plans can be finished during contractual hours. Meals can be prepped the morning of. That never ending list…it’s never ending so throw it away and start the week fresh! Get rid of the guilt. It’s the weekend. You’re not contractually obligated to work.


        For those non-teachers, I empathize with you if you dislike where you work, the hours you have, the costumers you encounter, and the stress of income. You are not alone. Many others, including myself know what it’s like to barely get by day in and day out. But you are tough enough. You are there for reason. If you don’t like where you’re at currently in your job or health, seek ways to change your situation. The first and hardest step, is ask for help. You can do this. You can’t stay where you don’t want to be. Leave. It’s what’s best for you. 


        The Sunday Scaries can be very haunting, but they don’t have to be. You are off the clock. Don’t ever feel sorry for doing what’s best for you on the weekends. Take that nap. Go for that walk. Eat at that restaurant. Have fun with your friends. Binge watch Netflix. Because if you stress the Sunday Scaries, come Monday, you’ll be ghost of yourself. No one wants that. We need you to be the best you!

        The magical potion is inside of you: find your happiness every weekend and live it! Make the Sunday Scaries disappear! 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Another Package

“Jordan, you got another package.”


This has been a phrase I’ve been blessed to hear close to one hundred times in 2021. My Donors Choose projects have been funded beyond my wildest dreams this year. The other week we received anonymous donation that funded 3 projects totaling close to one-thousand dollars. There were so many boxes! I couldn’t believe the amount of donated items we received. 


I remember crying the night I received the emails. I went from screaming at the top of my lungs and jumping on my couches to being drenched in tears at the generosity we were shown that evening. Someone, that never met, chose us of all classes!? It was humbling. The feeling of knowing how happy my students would be and the benefits the gifts mentioned and many not mentioned made me excited. I immediately sent out a text late that evening telling them to be at school first thing for an epic surprise. When I broke the news, the enthusiasm erupted from them.


In the days that followed, another package and another would arrive, and the joy would fill the atmosphere in our classroom every single time. We were happy and grateful. 


Our room is full of generosity from wall to wall, ceiling to floor, cabinet to cabinet. Each gift we receive helps create the beautiful masterpiece we call our classroom. There’s no place I rather be. Big silver letters with the word “FAMILY” are hung across our main wall with images of students and their families. Bookshelves with new books surround us on every wall. Lab-coats are hung behind a curtain waiting for scientists to experiment with them. A carpet sits 23 students waiting to find out what happens to Roz, the robot. A kerplunksound is heard as Skittles drop into a reader’s hand for making their reading goal. 


At this point, I’m nearly speechless at the amount of love, generosity, and support that’s been given to me and my students over the last two years. I honestly don’t understand why it’s us. I don’t take it granted. Every time a receive a rocket launching email from Donors Choose it makes me just as excited as the first time I received an email from them. Knowing the impact of these projects make on my students is something I wish I could share with more than just words and images to my donors. They deserve to feel the impact they’re making. My donors are the invisible heroes and heroines that are helping shape future generations.


To my supporters, thank you from my heart and from 23 incredible readers, scientists, and mathematicians. You inspire us to learn, lead, and create change. God bless!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Teacher Tired

“Today when I stepped outside and felt the vitamin D, I was ready to run a marathon.” – me

“Good for you! You finally ran again!” – my friend

“No. I walked in the sunlight to get to my car.” – me


        That’s been my August and I would bet many teachers too. August is the month that we come back from a much-needed summer break and our legs forget how much walking we do. August is the month that only consistent things are…inconsistencies: sleep, working out, changes in our schedule. But August is also a month that brings so much optimism and hope and refreshed energy! It’s an exciting time and tiring one as a teacher. 


        August has been a great month for me. It’s the first time in my (short) career that I haven’t either switched classroom and/or switched schools. That made transitioning back much easier despite the all the changes at my school and on our team. My teammates are fantastic! Lastly, my first days of school were much more planned out thanks to all my planning. Speaking of which…


        ALL. THE. PLANNING. I’m a 4th grade self-contained teacher this year and loving it, but it takes more work. To make matters more hectic, I had already set a goal to be better prepared each day. The first weeks, I’d leave at 5-6pm, drive 30 minutes home, relax until 8 or 9pm, then go back to prepping for an hour or two. Then immediately hit the bed, set the alarm for 5am, and repeat that for 5 days. 


        I am tired. Despite my best intentions, I’m not my best self. My legs are tired, and no amount of breakfast can wake me up (and I’m proud of say I’ve eaten breakfast at my kitchen table before leaving for school, read my devotion, and made my bed every day.) My energy is zapped. If I don’t greet someone with a big smile and loud voice, they get worried about me. I’m doing the best I can. Teacher tired is real!


        That’s why changing your path is important. Identify what’s happening and seek solutions. Your feet are tired, wear more comfortable and/or walk less. Your energy is draining. Eat foods that give you healthy, sustainable energy. You’re working late. Ask for help, or …don’t work. Yep, I said it. Take time for you. Your spouse, your kids, your dog, and job will thank you for it. Lay out your clothes for the day and week. Go to bed earlier. Have your bags and lunch packed the night before. These are just some ways to help yourself.


        Teacher tired is real. So is teacher burnout. August is a tough month and sometimes it drags into other months. Make sure if you’re tired, identify that you are, find the cause(s) and commit to changing it. You can do this! Remember… YOU are amazing!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

July Fireworks

“Jordan! Is it really you? Your home?!” 

– my mother’s response after seeing me for the first time in 18 months.



        Fourteen hours after June Summer School ended, I was on a plane headed to surprise my family. Once I did, you can imagine the shock in my mother had. Lots of hugs and tears ensued. The surprises would keep coming. Grandma H was coming the next day so we surprised her as well. A birthday party for my nephew would a day after that that my siblings weren’t anticipating their brother to be at. It was a lot…


        Throughout my time, we did lots of things. We watched multiple AAA baseball games associated with the Kansas City Royals, including a walk-off homerun in the bottom of ninth inning! We enjoyed incredible fireworks show from the comfort of our balcony curiosity of all of Omaha. Of course, no trip to Nebraska would be complete without an adventure through the cornfields. I can’t forget about the movie nights with my mom. Our movie decisions were not good but created plenty of conversations! I even got in a little running on a trail with my dad, which brought back the good-old days. I almost forgot, we lost power for 20 hours thanks to a powerful storm. My cat was even nice to me during my full stay. I don’t take time with my family granted these days. I’ll cherish those weeks forever.


        After a memorable two weeks, it was time to head back for the Get Your Teach On National Conference. What an inspiring, exciting, powerful, (name a positive adjective) Conference! Being on the Magic Squad allowed me to see GYTO from a new perspective. There are so many selfless individuals that help make the magic for the presenters and attendees. It was so uplifting and fun to interact with the attendees and make their experience so magical. Days were long but connecting with the attendees gave me so much energy. They filled my cup. Seeing my friends present put the biggest grin on my face, just ask Shane Saeed. Here are a few of the memories:


·      Josie & Abby telling me to the white card with name on it

·      Dancing like Cotton Eye Joe in front of 200 attendees

·      Creating the Ghostbusters 5th/6th grade Room with my team 

·      Taking a picture with a future Spider-Man who had light up shoes like mine

·      Almost splitting my pants in the last session for Joanne Miller

·      Making so many new friends, connecting with old ones, and just laughing


        After the conference, I’d get a few days of rest, which my legs and voice appreciated. Then I’d head to Busch Gardens with a former student family, only to have our experience get rained out, but 1. We’re pass holders and 2. we had a delicious lunch and saw some animals despite the weather. 3. We had our world-famous taco night. The show went on. 


        To finish off the month, today I went to the beach. It took a little encouraging from my friend. But I’m grateful she did. It was good to be back at the beach for the first time in 6 weeks. 


        July had its storms, but it was definitely full of an array of fireworks! 


Sunday, June 27, 2021

Summer School

I’ve enjoyed teaching school summer. Yep, I said it.

A few months ago, it was a no brainer that I was going to teach summer school. All I knew was that I would get paid. I needed the money, and I would teach it June and July, no questions asked.


Let’s go back to May 25. I can’t sleep. Not because it’s the night before the last day of school, but because an email showed me that I’ll only get 2 weeks off my entire summer and teaching lasts from 8:30-2:00pm weekdays. My mind went into a panic, and I knew deep down that teaching all week and summer long would drain me before the new school year started. I emailed the AP the next day and she granted my request to take July off. 


A week later in a meeting I’m told I’ll work with a mix of first and second graders: one can’t speak any English, over half speak limited English, two have IEPs, and one student will be a challenge. Having worked with some of these kids during tutoring, I knew teaching them all day would be a tall task. 


Fast forward to today. Yesterday, I collaborated with Becky Schnekser, author of the book Expedition Science. She filmed a video for my explorers about waterfalls in Iceland where she’s currently at. Tomorrow, we’re put on their adventure hats (seriously). Our daily read aloud is going to be wild! Followed by the great exploration for signs of water and wildlife around school. My explorers will calculate the distance from our school to Iceland, then create two digit addition & subtraction math problems for their fellow explorers to solve. At the end of the day, they’ll solve a mysterious puzzle to uncover a creature never been seen!


Have all our summer school days been like my previous paragraph? Absolutely not. Most days have been special in some small way. From daily read alouds and morning meetings, to dress up days, to donut breakfasts, the students and I have had a blast. It seems like everyday we’ve created a new memory that has been jotted down in my daily journal. (Yesterday was my 100th straight day!) 


My tips are

·      Wear comfortable clothes 

·      Buy your survival coffee 

·      Smile when you pick the kids up

·      Have a daily line leader & door holder

·      Build relationships with your students

·      Incorporate student interests (google is helpful)


In three days, I’ll be wrapping up my first summer school. It’s been the quite the adventure that I’m surprisingly glad I undertook. I was able to try new some skills I’ve learned through books I’ve read and work with a new grade that has captivated my motivation to make each day memorable. It took a choice by me to make summer school what it became. It’s not always the quickest process, but it’s always worth it!



Monday, May 31, 2021

Beach Party

Where: Beach

Who: You

Date & Time: Anytime

Occasion: Mental Health



I have a confession: I’ve lived in Florida for almost four years and before this past March I had only gone to the beach twice. If you did the math that means I was averaging going to the beach every TWO YEARS. A twenty something, single male, hardworking educator, living in Florida went to the beach twice in 4 years. I’m embarrassed for all of us. 


Let’s fast forward to since March. I’ve gone 5 times in a 10-week span. In May alone, I went three times and finished a book all three times. Ironically, May was my top book month with five books. As a former NBA Coach famously said, “Take that for data!” Do the math, and that averages a beach day every two weeks. That’s much more Floridian don’t cha think?


With every school year, I get tired. It seemed like more teachers were tired more than ever this year, and rightly so. Honestly, I never believed those posts about “make sure to take time for yourself” because I always convinced myself I was. The truth is, I haven’t taken time for myself since I started teaching five years ago, until recently. For me, that meant saying ‘no’ to voluntarily working with my extended day kiddos and just going home when the clock hit 3:30pm. Weekends became the beach or couch parties. All were firsts for me. 


It wasn’t until I drove to the beach after school on my birthday in April that I realized just how relaxing and needed it was. I soaked up the sun for 3+ hours that afternoon with minimal people. I highly recommend you try it. Get off work, and drive to the beach. I drive an hour and will continue in a heartbeat. “But Jordan I don’t live near a beach.” Then go somewhere desolate where you can gather your thoughts. Change into your beach attire, bring a snack and book, and go for a few hours, even if it just one hour. I promise, you’ll thank me later. 


There’s just something about the sound of the waves, the vibrant colors, and darkening of my skin that makes it all feel right. It’s free, gets my reading in, which results in bettering my mental health. #Winning


My next goal is to leave the phone in the car. I’m guilty of checking it after reading a chapter or hourly. At least I’m going to the beach and leaving school at an early time. Remember, small successes have big results!


So grab your sunscreen (thanks Nurse Jessie), rock those sunglasses, eat juicy watermelon, and soak up the rays at your own beach party. You deserve it!