Thursday, July 30, 2020


Aww! The sun is shining! Families are enjoying their vocations! Teachers are in their classrooms decorating with reckless abandonment! Sports are officially back! Life is GOOD! If only it was that simplistic. The truth is, some families are struggling to find work, teachers are piecing together their classrooms under a microscope, and sports are back…without fans.

We’re halfway through 2020, and if it was anything like the first half, I’ll keep saying my prayers and wearing my mask. That’s our new normal whether we like it or not. Fair or foul, things still aren’t what we’re used to. To switching schools in the middle of a pandemic to finding out I’ll need to have plantar fasciitis surgery, my word of the year “Discomfort” has definitely lived up to its name.

In the midst of a deadly pandemic we have to keep seeking. We have to seek happiness. You know those moments you took for granted before Covid-19 hit. What about the moments in your day that go unchanged? The ones you enjoy without thinking about them. Think for moment and write them down.

For me, I seek the moments of peace I have when I can hear the waves at night. I also seek that first scrumptious bite of my chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A! (Not a sponsor, but I would love to!)  I can’t forget about seeking all the binge reading and watching I’ve been able to do. I highly recommend Community on Netflix and reading Projekt 1065.

It’s the simple things that I seek. With some many unknowns about my upcoming surgery and the school year I refuse to let myself seek what I can’t control. I won’t do it and neither should you! I promise it’s going to be okay. You and I will get through it!

Don’t forget to call your mom & make your bed. It’s the little accomplishments that I seek. So stop reading this and go seek something that will make you happy & put a smile on your face! You deserve that! Start seeking today!