Wednesday, February 28, 2024


I remember it vividly. I was falling from a stairwell. I tried to my best to warn people it would happen. I knew it that moment everything I knew and loved was over. Before my fate was sealed, my alarm went off. I was awakened.


            Thankfully that sequence was just a dream. Have you ever had one of those dreams? Isn’t it a relief when you wake up from them? This one was as real as it gets. It felt like an out of body experience. Never had I been more relieved to be awake.


            I immediately got to work on my morning routine: devotions, pushups, stretches, and morning reading, drinking water. I remember being extra thankful throughout that day and the days that followed. But none of what I was doing felt enough after my mythical experience.


            I started thinking about how I was living in my life currently. The closest ones to me know I’m not settled. I know in my heart I need to change and I’m ready to. I have bigger plans and I’m eager to see what my future holds in the coming months. But… before that dream, I hadn’t started preparing for my future. That dream has awakened me. 


            Since then, I have gotten rid of more items at my apartment and in my classroom that were collecting dust bunnies for over 4 years. This’ll help me for my future move. I created my resume, started running more, paid for fun events I’ll attend in the future, and I’ve had two interviews. This’ll help me decide what job I want in the future if I want to make changes. Ironically, I been awake more as well. 


            I don’t have time to waste. My future starts with what I’m doing today. I’m reading more, running more, studying more, and living my life for me more! It’s been a great month of learning and growing! I am awaken!