Wednesday, January 1, 2020

One Word 2020: Discomfort

“Are you sure you want to do that?” My dad asked. “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s time.” I said. CLICK! My fate was officially sealed. 

I’ve been told I’m a lot of things; from being different to too working too much. I have to agree I do work a lot, about 80 hours a week to be exact. What do I do? I’m a teacher and for myself (and any others) the 8am-3pm work day just isn’t enough. Oftentimes I get to school when it’s dark and leave when it’s dark. But I love it! The opportunity to better the lives of kids through creative lessons and books fuels me everyday! 

I challenge my students everyday with various activities that push my students outside their comfort zones. They know no two days in our classroom are ever the same. If I expect my students to grow and embrace the unexpected I believe I should too. That’s why this year my #OneWord is …Discomfort!

            When I think of discomfort I think of abnormal, extraordinary, painful, and thrilling! For years I’ve watched others balance their work and social life, while I’ve watched on the sidelines waving in the distance. They seem so happy and able to keep up the demands of family and work. Do you feel the same way? No more! It’s time to get up and be brave!  It’s time to feel discomfort.

This year I’ve planned twelve activities (one each month) that are going to push me to my ultimate discomfort! I’m going to do things I’ve been dreaming of; from seeing my beloved Seattle Seahawks to running in the longest race of my life and many more. I’m excited and ready for the discomfort. It’s going to physically, mentally, and financially challenge me, but it’s time! 

What have you been dreaming about doing? What’s holding you back? This is the year! If you want it bad enough, find a way, go do it! Stop wishing and start chasing the discomfort! Be brave! Dare to be different! I’ll support you J

Here’s a list of just some of the things you can do!

·      Eat healthy
·      Visit a museum 
·      Tour the country
·      Eat at new restaurant 
·      Go to the lake or beach
·      Buy a pet
·      Bungee jump
·      Go exercise 
·      Read a book
·      Run a 5k 
·      Say hi to a stranger 
·      Meet a new friend
·      Turn off all devices for a day
·      Drive your dream car
·      Go skiing
·      Plant a tree
·      Climb a mountain (or hill) 
·      Watch a play, movie, or sporting event
·      Skydive
·      Go on a date
·      Watch a sunrise/ sunset
·      Set a goal and accomplish it
·      Feed the homeless
·      Ride a donkey in Greece
·      Leave $1 in a Bible
·      Forgive someone
·      Paint, draw, color
·      Buy a house
·      Fast for a day
·      Write a story
·      Get a tattoo
·      Start a new job
·      Stand up for what you believe in
·      Scuba dive
·      Give a high five 
·      Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
·      Run for Mayor
·      Pay for someone’s meal
·      Try a new food

…and list keeps going! There’s millions of things you can do! What’s one thing you want to do this year? Go chase discomfort!