Today was a typical morning. I got to
school, put on my earphones and started jamming out as I galloped out of my
Mustang into my Spaceship (formerly known as my classroom). I flipped on all
the Christmas lights and lamps and watched my room come to life in the darkness
of the morning hours. I grabbed copies for a substitute folder that literally I
ran the length of a football field to a teacher’s portable classroom. Next, I
studied my Math lesson plan for the day. Visualizing what would happen, and
what questions would be asked, as I walked on the student tables (because that’s
how I teach).
I few minutes I’m gave out FREE high fives to
students getting off the buses. NO charge necessary. Today I noticed a few
frowns so I did my best Donald Duck voice to lightened their mood as I
complimented their hair, book-bags, and clothing style. One older student asked
me about where Tornado Alley was and if I had ever survived a Tornado. It was
an amazing conversation that ended too soon. (Fun fact: One of my top five
lessons to teach is about Natural Disasters involving Tornados).
Shortly after, I received a staff
text message asking if anyone had any hairnets. My face dropped because this
text message involved me. My favorite assistant principal of all time forgot
the bring the hairnets for me…WHAT?! No worries, the show would go on…literally.
I few minutes later I picked up my students and told them I was going to be on
the morning show so we’d be having part of our class in the library. As they
sat working on their bell work, I put on a trash bag and a microphone for the
big surprise. Mr. Wessels (wearing a running outfit) was promoting his third graders
to come to game night with an AMAZING RACE theme. I went on the show to promote
FAMILY GAME NIGHT…except Jimmy Fallon and Wade King Style. I explained the game
to the audience: EGG RUSSIAN ROULETTE is where you randomly pick an egg: it
might be hard boiled or raw. I guessed wrong, and splattered a raw egg in my
hair to the delight of every student.
Tomorrow I’ll be wearing my Pac-Man
suit to promote family game night during the day. Fourth grade will be playing
giant Jenga, giant Connect Four, Pie in the Face, and Egg Russian Roulette. It’s
a going to be EGG-celent!
-Mr. P