Let’s start off with some math! Are you ready?! What is 2 + 2? FOUR is absolutely correct! Good job! What about 45- 16? It’s 29! You took a little longer on that one. I bet you weren’t expecting to do math when reading a blog …or maybe you did when you read my title.
This year I’ve seen more friends share their “Ins and Outs” for 2024. The ins are priorities people are going to focus on more or keep in their lives. The outs are things people are getting rid of or do less of. This got me thinking about my own. This year I’m expecting big changes and putting mine in my first blog of 2024 will hold me accountable. I love being a math and science this school year. With that spirit in mind, I’m going call mine: adding and subtracting!
Adding: Reading
This is one I’ve been doing consistently for years, but never enough of it. In 2022 & 2023 I tied for 40 books read. This is the year I exceed that mark. I’ve added reading as little as 1-5 pages as part of my morning routine, and most nights read more before bed. Now, I love reading in the mornings and I helps me feel a little more successful!
Subtracting: Screen time
Raise your hand if your phone rarely leaves your side. Raise your hand if you log 7+ hours on it daily. I’m guilty. If you are too, and if you have an iPhone, you can actually go into the settings, then type screen time, pick any app, and set a time limit on that app to limit your screen time. It’s that easy! I just started doing this for YouTube and Instagram. …I also moved my phone away from me when I go to bed, so I must get out of bed and turn off my alarm. It’s been painful, but it’s working for getting my day started immediately!
Adding: Eating fruit
I’m a picky eater. Scratch that, I’m becoming a healthy eater! (Growth Mindset!) Somehow I’ve been able to get away eating unhealthy for decades and still able to run extremely fast. As part of my new routine, I’m also eating a fruit before I leave or when I get home. To help this create this new habit, I’m starting to buy less sugary chips and candy.
Subtracting: following people I don’t enjoy (anymore) on social media
I’ve had social media teacher friends I’ve followed for since I started teaching for almost a decade. They’re my friends and teacher heroes. For some of them, they’re prioritizing growing their business with more posts with ads and less about teaching ideas or have left teaching altogether. That’s great for them. They should doing it! In December, I started unfollowing many whom no longer serve a purpose in my career or my friendship. Follow people you want to follow. Unfollow people, even if they’re still following you, who don’t add meaning to your life.
Adding: Drinking more water
You might be catching a trend. Jordan is trying to live a healthier life, so just categorize these adds as “healthy lifestyle”. I can’t. I want each one to be individualized. The truth is I used to drink plenty of water …until I moved to Florida. Water here taste different and as a result, I stopped drinking water almost altogether. I know for a fact I’ve gone weeks without water, substituting it for Gatorade and soda. To make it a prioritize, it’s on my daily habit checklist along with fruit. More importantly both are the first things I see in my fridge because I moved my sodas and sports drinks to the side. Why didn’t I do this sooner?!
Subtracting: my current apartment
Minus the incredible view, it’s been challenging to stay here, especially after 2023. I don’t feel safe here or prioritized. To my perspective, it seems like our apartment is getting dirtier and unsafe by the day. I talk to my friends so much about what I want an apartment to feel and be like. When I see other apartments in certain locations, I get excited and instantly happier. I know income plays a big factor. Fingers crossed I can move!
Adding: leaving when my contractual work hours stop
Even with my new routine that adds an addition 20-30 minutes of personal tranquilly time to my morning, I still get to school 30-40 minutes before my contractual hours. And this year, I only teach math and science I don't have as much on my plate (most days) so it means I'm going to prioritize leaving when my contractual hours ends 20-30 minutes after the final bell. I do a great job using my time wisely when I'm at school, so why not use my personal time wisely too!
Subtracting: Settling for less than my dream
I want to change my life for the better to achieve my wildest dreams. Because of my career, naysayers have said I’ll never live in a nicer house, upscale apartment, or make enough money to live comfortably. I strongly disagree with them. I want to change my life so badly. I write this daily. Their doubts add fuel my fire to keep chasing my happiness! I believe this year, I’ll be moving in that direction, even if it’s slowing or just adding a few pieces.
Adding: new Florida experiences
Remember how I shared how rare I went to the beach in my first 4 years in Florida? Then I prioritized it. This year I’ve created a list of things in Florida that I still haven’t done that I want to do. That list includes, eating at Waffle House, seeing the Everglades, going to a Buccaneers game, riding in a Hot Air Balloon, and many more! Having first experiences by myself or friends can create lots of discomfort, but that’s also what makes them rewarding! Every year is different and I’m getting better at seeking out experiences. I’m excited to see what I’ll cross off my list!
What do you want to add and subtract in your life? Maybe you want to add more volunteer time at your church. Maybe you’re trying to get rid of an addiction you’ve never quit. Whatever it is, THIS IS YOUR YEAR! Write on a paper or search the web for a habit list. Whatever you do, don’t settle, keep growing, add things that improve your life, and subtract things and people that don’t. If you do, I promise you, you’ll have the BEST 2024 EVER!
P.S. This was my 50th straight month of blogging! 🎉