Saturday, April 30, 2022


As part of our science unit, we’re going to grow plants and butterflies!


            When I hatched the idea of having chickens in our classroom, I didn’t know it would grow into something much bigger. Long behold, many types of plants, releasing butterflies, and hatching praying mantises. What’s come out of these experiments, have been much larger than I anticipated. 


            It starts with an idea. What we plant today, will grow into something much greater tomorrow. The time to start planting is right now; not tomorrow, not next week, not next month. That’s often the hardest part. If you want to change your future, the planting has to start today. 


            Preparation. What do you need to grow? Maybe that’s support from your friends, your family, your job, etc. Maybe it means getting off the couch. It might also mean actual tools. Maybe… for you to start growing it means creating a plan, being patient, or letting go of the past. Give yourself the necessary materials so you can start growing.


            Water. I can go often without water, but how little do I give myself water. Water is necessary! By water I mean a few things: forgiveness, patience, space, and peace. In order to grow you need to water yourself as needed. For everyone that can mean different things. For me, it means I need to run a few times a week, read often, experience a thrill, and literally water my plants. These things fill me up. Sometimes you’re going to need more water than other times, so fill yourself up when you needed. 


            Time. Give yourself time to grow. When I was an Africa a man told me, “Americans have watches, Africans have time.” He was absolutely correct. That sentence still haunts me because I’m its biggest offender. I’m always on time, looking at the time, racing the time, or trying to find more time. Rarely am I ever enjoyingthe time. Growth doesn’t just happen immediately, it takes preparation, water, and actual time. Give yourself at least that much. 


            Leaves. As you grow taller leaves form. These leaves might be new friends, passions, and ideas. All the preparation, water, and time you’ve put forth have now given you new leaves. Some leaves will stay and continue growing, while others will droop and die. Keep watering and let the necessary leaves live. Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of toxic friendships and habits for you to grow. it hurts in moment, but in the end the most important leaves will stay with you.


            Bloom! It’s a sight that you’ve been waiting for! It’s such a good feeling to feel good and see progress! You glow differently. The world is much brighter. You’re full of water and leaves. All the time and preparation paid off Everything seems just right! Enjoy it as long as you can and keep doing what made you bloom!


            In life, there will be days when we’re dropping ready to quit. While other times, we’ll be growing leaves and blooming! Sometimes these moments last days, months, or even years. With a little water, sunshine, and my favorite, time, you can experience more blooming more often than not. You got this! Start planting today!