This year I will not be doing a 'one word'.
Every year, myself and thousands pick a word as our focus for the year. It’s a great idea and I’ve enjoyed doing it year after year. It’s something that I even look forward to. But this year is going to be different. I’m going to focus on myself in various ways. That’s going to require more just a word. I’m focused on multiple goals.
First goal: spend one day each month at the beach. There’s lots of data and psychology behind how spending one day or more in nature each year is very beneficial to your health. For me, going to the beach is my time in nature. That was never clearer when after school on my birthday I drove to the beach and it was the most relaxing evening I had in a long time. As I’m typing this, I did already go to the beach this month and looking forward to my trip in February.
Second goal: read three or more books each month. Last year I read 24 books. This January alone I read four, compared the one book I read last year. Books, like the beach have become my oasis from life. The more read, the happier I feel. Reading feeds my brain, improves my knowledge, and keeps me off my phone. My favorite part becomes sharing my books with friends and students. Books continue to help give me therapy I never knew I needed.
Third goal: run in a race once a month. (Have you noticed a trend yet?) If you would’ve told me a year ago that the most miles I’d run post-surgery would be five and a half…I wouldn’t have believed you and laughed, but so far that’s the truth. If I can schedule one race, whether it’s a 5k or longer, it’ll give me something to look forward to and help me meet other people each month. The ultimate goal: run in the Disney half marathon next January.
Final goal: I want to have fun and do whatever’s best for me. My other goals can be put on my calendar long before they happen, whereas this one can’t. It requires me to live in the moment and say yes (or sometimes no) throughout my day. Choosing to live each day with a fun mindset and the find the joys will be critical. This school year hasn’t been easy and I’m starting to uncover what I do with my life and where I want to live. I’ve learned that chasing my happiness should always be my selfish priority. Life is too short to not have fun!
As you can see, I don’t have a word of the year per se, but I do have a multitude of goals that I believe will make this year the best year yet! …And don’t worry, it’s my goal my complete my third straight year of blogs!