Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 in Pictures

2022 in Pictures

        It's December thirty-first and I've waited until the last day to finish up this years' blog. It's because I procrastinated, but because I wanted to wait until the last possible moment to create memories. For the first time since the creation of this blog, I won't be typing out paragraphs, but rather share photos with captions. Not every memory of this year was captured in a photo, but many were. 

                          Here's to the year that was... 2022! 

2022 was my year of running. I ran 12 races in 12 months. It was a grueling circuit, but I'm happy I did; even winning 7 races in the progress. From 5ks, to bubble runs, up to a half marathon, I ran a lot! 

The Super Bowl classroom transformation is a favorite that I recreate every year! The winning team earns a trophy and bragging rights of course.

This year, I became a Universal Studios passholder. Walking the Hogwarts castle, zooming through Jurassic World on the VelociCoaster, and smashing things on the Hulk rollercoaster was a dream come true. 

This chicken doesn't look like much, but it was the first time I ate a restaurant by myself in a long time and that's something I'm proud of. The favors on this Korean chicken plate had my mouth watering.

A childhood dream came true this year. I watched the Daytona 500 in person for the first time! My dad and I made the trek up and watch cars go faster than I've ever seen. It was thrilling...and loud!

A throwback to 2017? Nope, this was this year. We hatched chicks! It was so incredible to witness the process of growing chicks. The most part not photographed was the 4th grade teachers and I watched the first egg hatch live!


This is Opening Day Spring Training down at Jet Blue Stadium where the Boston Red Sox play in Fort Meyers on St. Patrick's day! The seats did fill up with loyal Red Sox fans. It was a great experience!

After years of no field trips, my class went to Wonderworks! It's a great place for kids to do STEM activities! We had so much fun!

We also hatched Butterflies in the spring! This is becoming a yearly tradition and a class favorite. 

This photo brings tears to my eyes every time I look at it. My incredible student survived a nearly fatal car crash that saw her hospitalized for weeks. So I did what any teacher would do, my class made cards, I bought all her favorite candies, and with the permission of her mom I surprised her at her home. In my class, we are family. 

I took on hiking this year! Florida has many forgotten trails that are tranquil and easy to walk. 

Running this year, brought me new friends! This guy was from Brazil and raced me to the finish line. I love meeting new people!

My student was voted anonymously by teachers to represent 4th grade at a ceremony. I was blessed to join her at the ceremony as well. She's going to do incredible things in the future!

Florida sunsets never get old!

Get Your Teach On National Conference 2022! This is the group of educators (I'm in there on the right side) that put on a conference for 2,000 teachers and administers this summer.

My room theme was I had to wear my Ghostbusters outfit for 4 days with my light up shoes with my partner in crime. Hope and Amelia, my friends, presented in our room! 

After being part of the happiest education conference on Earth, my friends took me to the happiest place on Earth: Disney World! It was my first time at Disney World (even after living in Florida for 5 years...whoops!) and they made sure to take me to all four parks in one day! There's so many photos I could share from that day!

I finally got a picture with my grandma and mom! I love these two so much! So many great childhood memories: weekends at grandma's house to Friday's at Burger King.

I hadn't been to this airplane museum since I was kid. I appreciated much more now. 

This time for the grand opening of the library and year 7! Opening the library is always my favorite day of the year and now we get to shoot off confetti. It's a special day.

On college colors day I optimistically wear my Nebraska gear head to toe literally, and every year I'm disappointed with another year of the team finishing below .500. 2023 is our year!

Thanks to a classroom grant, our class pets are two hermit crabs named Bubble Gum and Blueberry! They're easy to take care of the students love helping. They've been a welcome addition to our class family. 

Yep, I'm still going to the beach almost monthly! It gives me so much peace and tan lines. 

This year I read 40 books! That's a jump from the 26 I read in 2021. Some of my favorites were: Two Degrees (Alan Gratz is my favorite author), The Measure, The Tattooist of Auschwitz, The Perfect Mile, Our Class Our Voice, and Starfish.

Mark Rober inspires me. This fall I paid for a yearly subscription to give my scientists his boxes. Science is really going well this year and it's in large part because of him.

I WAS IN A BOOK!  It's called Lights, Cameras, Teach by Kevin Bulter. You should read it! 

Appreciation post for these two. They've been a welcome addition since they joined my team in August of 2021. We become better friends daily and learn from each other often. I convinced them to join me for Rock Your School, transform our rooms differently, and teach different subjects. They did great.  and To be completely honest, these two been my rock at times. They're one of kind!

Rock Your School Day 2022! My video gamers had to propel a balloon using a string, tape, and straw. Then they leveled up on a Gimkit that pitted them against zombies!

My Space Coast half marathon! It was my first half marathon in years and wasn't easy. My game plan went out the window in the early miles and I was battling the heat and hills ever since. It was the guttiest, most mental race I've ever ran, but I finished! My time was 1 hour, 25 minutes. 

I did my first Spartan Sprint 5k Race! I was really nervous for it, but these two put my nervous at ease. My  proudest accomplishes: Not falling down from the 6 foot wall and finishing the monkey bars! I had a great time on a challenging obstacle course.

Some of my best friends all dressed up because that's what we do! 

               I just love this group! It's been a fun school year with them. 


That's my 2022 in photos! I can't wait to see what photos I take in 2023!

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


I crossed the finish line in 1:25: 34. My hands went up in the air as the rest of my body drooped. I was exhausted. I just finished a half marathon for the first time in years.


Foot Injuries and I go ‘way back’. My first injury came after I just set the freshmen record for the 1600 at my high school. Days later we discovered a stress fracture in my left foot. Season over. The next year, the same injury reappeared earlier in another promising season. In college, just like my freshmen and sophomore years of high school, I had the same injuries end my seasons in my first and second years. 


In January 2020 I was training for my first marathon when a freak accident at recess (and the Covid pandemic in March) stopped my hopes of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. That September I had my first surgery. Then in December I was cleared to start rehab and run again. For eleven months running was taken away from me. 


When I those foot and leg injuries, they usually put in dark places. Afterall, running was I had always known. Running was my gift. It was the “only thing I was good at.” Running defined me. I have goals to accomplish. Medals to earn. Records to set. Mileage to hit. Exercise to be had. Running. Was. Me.


I got through it.


Days ago, I completed my first half marathon in years! Space bib clipped flat on my chest. Saucony shoes tied. White Mars singlet on. Hair flipped up (look good, run good). Times penned on my left hand. Seventy degrees at 6am. Gusty wind swirling. Hills rolled on the course. A hurting left tibia. Darkness.


I still showed up. 


It was the hardest race I’ve ever physically and mentally ran in my life. Just as quickly as the horn sounded, the pain was swelling through my leg veins in agony. In miles three and four, thoughts of quitting raced through my mind earlier than ever before. 


I kept going.


Mile 5 I took my first sips of water. Mile 6, the top runners were heading back toward the finish line. At mile 7 it was my turn to see the competition that was preying off any weakness I had. Mile 10 I grabbed another cup of water. Mile 11, my mind was begging me to walk. Mile 12 my feet started to go numb. Mile 13.1 I crossed the finish line seventh overall.


I never stopped.


To cross that finish line meant the world to me. In 2020, for eleven months I couldn’t run when I would’ve done anything to. In 2021, relearning to run and gain endurance started. The runs were short. The confidence was low. The motivation to run often was weak. In 2022, I vowed to not take running for granted. Every month I’ve ran in a race. In two weeks, I will complete my twelve-month race goal. 


I’ve ran half marathons before, but every race is unique. This half marathon was the first time I wanted to quit so early. Never have I experienced the pain in my feet like the pain I had in that race. The hills, temperature, and wind only made the course physically and mentally tougher. 


I say all of this because… life is hard! We all have our own book that we’re writing (or for the runners, journey that were on.) There’s going to be easy times and tough times. Days are going to be as clear as a blue sky and as a dark as a thunderstorm. But you can’t quit because your story isn’t complete!


That race seemed like a metaphor for my life: easy, hard, and everything in between. I remember during my middle and high school days where it seemed like rain followed me everywhere I went. My parents knew I was ready to give up. But I didn’t. Of course, things haven’t been perfect since. I have my sunny and cloudy days just as you do, but the storms past faster than before. Ever since I made changes, a few things came to fruition that have helped me run this race of life. 


Blogging. I’m one month away from three straight years of blogging. I’m blogging for me, not for educators or runners, solely me. I don’t go for views and likes. I do it because it’s fun. Positively journaling. Journaling started March 2021 after I read a book called Atomic Habits. Tonight, will be 620 straight days of writing down a few good things happened today (including this blog.) No matter how difficult the day, it’s incredible to see how many great things took place. Talking to someone. Sorry, but I rather talk than text. For me, it’s easier to convey my thoughts and easier to listen. Words can hurt, but words can also be used to uplift and tell your story. What do you do that helps you live your life?


Always remember:


Never stop.

Keep going.

Eyes ahead.

Head High.

Feet forward.

Thoughts positive.



Monday, October 31, 2022

Slow Down

Google defines a zombie as a “reawakened corpse with a ravenous appetite or someone bitten by another zombie infected with a “zombie virus.” Zombies are usually portrayed as strong but robotic beings with rotting flesh. Their only mission is to feed.” ...I feel like a zombie.


            To be honest, October wasn’t a month I was at my best. The flooding in my apartment continued until very recently, now my AC isn’t working, a coworker and I had to have a heart to heart about what they were saying behind my back, and my running wasn’t going well. Mix all those ingredients plus observations, Rock Your School, Red Ribbon Week, STEAM week, and you create a zombie.


            To add to my Zombie concoction, I was given the lowest group of 4th graders to tutor, I work an extra four hours on Saturday to earn money, and I’m running 4 days a week to prep for my November half marathon. October. Was. HARD!


            Besides everything I’ve already mentioned, I’ve been out of sorts with my routine the last two weeks because of my workload. I’ve slept, eaten, and read less. Those are the cherries on top of a bad mix Zombie milkshake. 


            The bad news: that was my October. The good news: tomorrow is a new day. It doesn’t have to be my reality. Tomorrow is November. Tomorrow is a restart! Heck typing this blog post right now is a restart!


            That’s exactly what I told my students the other day when they were struggling with long division. For the first time this year they were saying some fixed mindset words that hurt my heart. They were literally saying they weren’t smart and were ready to quit. Cue the tears! 

I reminded them my plan going into my race for last Saturday (that I hadn’t run yet). After a disappointing week of running I could quit running and not show up to the race. (They made it clear that wasn’t an option.) So, I responded back when something isn’t going our way we can do a few things. We can keep trying over and over again. We can try new strategies to see if that gives us a new, better solution. Or…we can be reminded that our failures and mistakes are reminders of learning taking place. I told them, come Saturday, no matter how difficult my runs have been, I was showing up to that start line and giving that 10k all that I got. Whatever happens on the racecourse, I’ll live knowing I did my best on that day.


            I say all of this to remind myself to SLOW DOWN. This month I was (attempting) to move as fast as I could at all times in order to get done with everything I needed to get done. Instead, it felt as if the finish line kept getting further away. I missed opportunities to refuel my energy, friendships, and hobbies to run a race (teaching) that is never done. When I take the time to breathepace myself, and walk, I can still get everything done at much better and healthier speed. I’m a big checklist guy. I love to get everything done, but then as result my health and attitude don’t get the same balance to successful. “Pace yourself Jordan! You got this! Keep running!” November will be a great month. …I gotta run

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


I must admit, I’m typing this hours before Hurricane Ian’s bands of rain start flooding Florida. It’s an unsettling feeling what the next hours and days will result in, but I’m ready for it the best I can be. That’s a good feeling knowing you’re ready and can get in your monthly blog before you likely lose power at some point. So here I am…

The warnings were out late last week that a storm could develop into a hurricane. Gradually, people have stocked up at the grocery stores with the necessities. For me that trip came Saturday morning. Wal-Mart was busier than normal, but I got the bread and water I needed to make it the next several days. Fast forward to now, people are urgently getting any last scrap they can find before we’re dumped with rain. I’ve heard the stories how packed supermarkets have been the last 48 hours, and thankfully, I wasn’t part of the rush because this time I was prepared.


Lately, (and surprisingly) I’ve been prepared. I’ve been more prepared in my running, in my classroom, and for this storm. At least for the first two, being prepared has made a huge difference. I’m optimistic for the last one too.


This school year, I’m working a lot smarter, not harder. The days and weekends of spending hours working away are over. (It only took me 6 years!) What happened? First, a teacher and I get to school early before anyone else. This allows us to make our copies without waiting in line and allows us to dash after school. Secondly, my team this year (kudos to them, they rock) create master copies of the assignments for each subject and keep the copies in their/my mailbox weeks ahead of time. This alleviates the need to print them myself and gives us time to get copies well ahead of time. Thirdly, the copies I make get put in a labeled weekday drawer and then when that comes, I put the copies for that day into each group’s magic boxes, then they get them out as I teach that subject. It's my newest idea and has saved so much class time! Finally, I’m studying my lessons well ahead of time. I’ve done this in years past, but with the consistency I’ve studied at, I’m picking up how to teach my lessons much faster than before. And…teaching year after year has helped too.


As for my running, it took a turn for worst in the summer. The injuries started piling up and it made me rethink what I was and wasn’t doing well. I was running great, but… I wasn’t taking care of myself afterward. Recently, I bought an ice machine (similar to Sonic ice that everyone loves) that will allow me to put bags of ice on my legs after runs, a balance board to strengthen my legs, and loaded my refrigerator up with drinks to replenish my energy after runs. I also had to say goodbye to constantly running super-fast every single run. I’ve refocused my goals on what I want to accomplish with each run and the results can speak for themselves. I feel so much better with the preparation I’m doing before and afterward, and I know my body is too.


In my general life, I have a big calendar that helps me prepare and make priorities. (The monthly blog being one of them.) Part of that list means creating categories that include must dos and if time allows. Gradually, both lists form and I put a checkmark as I finish off the items. I rarely check every item off those lists but putting checkmarks after small successes is still a great feeling! The older I get; it’s become more apparent I’m prioritizing things that are fun for me. No one ‘yes man’ all the time. I’ll say yes to things that bring me joy. By preparing ahead of time and marking it on my calendar I make it clear what’s important to me and what can wait. 


Preparation looks differently for everyone. For me, a big calendar and notepad with boxes helps me be my best self. For others, keeping a digital calendar on their phone with alarms keeps them successful. As the saying on my middle school track shirt goes, “If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Prepare today! You got this!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Awesome August

My August started with this message…


“Hi I just found out that you are my son ____’s teacher this year. I wish I could have videoed ______’s response when I told him that you were going to be his teacher this year. He was overjoyed and excited because and I quote you are the coolest funnest teacher ever!”

            I’ll be 100% honest, this has been the best start to a school year I’ve ever had. I don’t understand how. I don’t understand why. But I’m going to keep riding this wave as long as I can!


            That message set the tone this year. I read the message when I got home and immediately lit up like a Christmas tree! If the mother couldn’t get a video of his response, she could receive one from me. I pulled out my phone, flipped the camera, and began filming how excited I was to have her son. The mother and son watched the video together. She immediately filmed her son’s response back to me. Tone Set. Let’s go!


            Fast forward to the first day of school. Balloons and red drapes decorated the outside of my door with the message, “Throw kindness like confetti!” That’s when it hit me at the last minute. I need my confetti! When the students arrived, I greeted them with a handful of confetti! The smiles went up just as the confetti did. It was a magical moment that I’ll remember more than the kids will. It made me think…imagine if everyday you were thrown confetti as you were welcomed to your job. How awesome!


            The magic continued: students adjectively described me by placing sticky notes all over. I even wore them all day (including my meeting with my principal). I can’t forget about our ant farm, daily lunch, the grand opening our library, the red carpet, Harry Potter welcome letters, book giveaways, daily read alouds, random drum parties, Go Noodle brain breaks, the science labs, beach balls, astronaut costume and more!


            We can’t do those things above without two things. The first is, buy in from the class. I’ve never heard so many kids tell me during the first days that they’ve wanted to be in my classroom. It made me so happy to hear that. The class is showed it with their attitudes and commitment with whatever I ask of them. Everyday is so special! Thank goodness I’m still doing my daily positive journal because this class is superb!


            The other thing is me. To do those magical things above it takes energy, cost, and commitment outside of school hours…but it’s always worth it. I want to do these things for my students. I recall of the days when I was a student and sat in a desk and felt like a ghost. I don’t want my students to feel the way I felt. I strive for the exact opposite. All kids deserve it.


            It’s not hard to greet students with a smile and high-five at your door. (Don’t forget to say goodbye to your students too.) I also don’t think it’s hard to go on YouTube, and chank music as students enter or softly play music while students work. While we’re at it, those science labs that look daunting are simpler than you think; just do them…your students will thank you. Stop working and make eye contact with a smile with that the student that always asks you questions at your back table that you love to see. 


            As much as my classroom set up, the crazy activities, and the goofy dress up days are for my students, they’re also for me. I want to have fun too! Teaching is more fun when you’re having fun! Playing with students at recess gives me energy and makes me feel young. Eating with students prevents teachers from gossiping to me and from me gossiping. If I expect my students to make eye contact with me and use their manners, then I should listen to them when they ask questions and want to share stories with me.


            All these things have been in prefect unison like no year before. I’m using my time more effectively before, during, and after school. My teaching has been better than ever, full of progress monitoring, Kagan strategies, and engagement. Whatever I’m doing, I’m going to keep doing it! This will be the BEST SCHOOL YET! What an Awesome August! 


Sunday, July 31, 2022


There are a few times each year when my energy and passion are renewed. The first being New Year’s Day, the second being the week of spring break, the third, and my favorite of all, the days before the first day of school. All three periods are great resets!

        For me there is nothing better than the days before school year starts. The optimism is flowing through the air, the new student lists are being posted, and you’re setting up your classroom. It’s the ultimate reset!


That’s the great part of a new school year. No matter what happened last year, the challenges, the ups and downs, it’s all washed away. This school year for better (and hopefully not worse), will be different. How incredible of a feeling is that?! For teachers, that’s in August and September. It’s the perfect timing! 


Last year doesn’t define you as teacher. The year before doesn’t define you neither. Nor do the mistakes you made. The state scores, your previous students, your old attitude are all things that do not define you. Reset your mentality because this year…is going to be our BEST SCHOOL YEAR EVER! 


I always love coming back to school and seeing my colleagues after our summer breaks to catch up. The smiles are ginormous and our new coworkers who are equally just as excited. That’s not mention if your school is blessed with a first-year teacher, who have more energy than every teacher combined. For every person on staff, custodians and cooks included, the energy and passion has been reset. 

Then there’s your classroom. For most teachers, we return to our same rooms where the memories of what worked and what didn’t flood our mind again. For other teachers, they’ll move classrooms/schools and get a brand-new canvas to work with. To me, it’s all very exciting to made tweaks and reset the classroom. By moving all your teacher supplies and furniture it gives you a chance to reset the classroom even better than the year before! …(This year I made mistake of misplacing a bookshelf to the wrong location with the help of the custodians and guess what…I love the spot! It) 

Let’s not forget the most important people: the students! Most teachers will get a new class, while very few teachers will stay with their class, called looping. For me, I always build an unbreakable, life-long bond with each of my classes. It’s hard to see them move up grade levels. However, there’s just something about seeing new happy faces with all their school supplies enter your classroom for the first time. It’s a reset for teachers, students, and parents. 


My summers leading into the school year bring growth through books, professional development conferences, and time away from teaching. But the ultimate reset is when the doors open for teachers for the first time. Walls are repainted, floors are waxed, signs are hanging straight, teachers are full of energy, and there’s time to plan the most extravagant lessons! It gets me so exuberant about the possibilities! 


Whether you’re teacher or not, everyday has the potential to reset, realign, and restart. It begins with the first choice you make. If that choice wasn’t the right one, reset, realign, and restart again. Every day can have many opportunities to reset if you the day didn’t go as planned. But you must be mindful and alert during it because before you know it, the day is over. Reset, and keep going! 

Right now seems like a great time to reset! 

Friday, June 24, 2022


Another month…another book read, or two, or three, or TEN! June has been my record setting month for reading, but not too long ago it wasn’t always like that.

            Would you believe me if I told you my 8th grade reading teacher threatened me with graduation and dance privileges if I didn’t meet my AR goal? Maybe you are/were in the same boat: a non-reader. I was that kid that pretended to read. You know, the one who stares at the pages, flips them over occasionally while daydreaming about anything except reading. No reading program or incentive could motivate me. Unfortunately, the threat mentioned above was the only thing that did. 


The same thing happened in high school and college, if reading textbooks and class novels was required, I’d do it begrudgingly. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t do it. I wasn’t a reader, nor saw myself ever becoming one. Then I became an elementary teacher. I was determined to make reading fun again! 


Right before my first year of teaching kicked off my mom recommended reading a professional development called Play Like a Pirate. The words ‘Play’ and ‘Pirate’ stuck out, along with the Legos on the cover, and I was enticed. For the first time in my lifetime, I read it cover to cover in a day! I was excited to teach! I was so excited that I bought Teach Like a Pirate at a higher cost that same day because I wanted to read the book immediately. I had to be sick. This wasn’t like me to read on my own. 


Then my first year started and my 3rd graders were avid readers. They met their school-set AR goals with ease and earned their rewards. Teaching is e-a-s-y. A year later I moved to Florida and was shell-shocked. These kids struggled to read. I saw a lot of myself in them. I tried to give them motivational speeches and incentives, but nothing worked. When a girl asked me what I was currently reading, I didn’t have an answer. I was embarrassed and needed to change.


The next summer, I drove up to North Carolina to attend a Scholastic Book Conference by myself. I was nervous, anxious, and hesitant. I wasn’t a reader and now I’m surrounding myself with book-obsessed-nerdy readers for 24 hours. Fast forward 24 hours…that conference changed my life. By surrounding myself with educators who had a passion for reading or desired one, they instilled it in me. By the end, you can bet I was in all the autograph lines waiting to have my new books autographed. I went drove home and started reading.


What I’ve learned: let your students see you reading and be knowledgeable about books. The years following I’ve done a few different things. I read to my kids daily no matter how challenging the day is (even on field trips). My students get at least 10 minutes to read daily too. (This gradually becomes their favorite part of the day.) I also have gathered books from donors using companies like Goodwill, Donors Choose, and friends/family. Have a class library so they can see books. Lastly, I carry a book with me everywhere. My class does get incentives, but honestly those are just a bonus when I can afford them or get them donated. They also love the teacher punishments: sliming their teacher, pieing teacher in the face, water balloon fight, and taping their teacher to a wall. But do whatever works! Incentives are great, but nothing beats a teacher who is excited about talking about books! 


All those things work in the classroom, but what about at home? I have a large calendar that I use as a visual to keep me accountable. Every day I carve out 20 minutes or more in my day to read. It doesn’t always happen, but when it does, I notice my best days are when I’m spending a few minutes reading. A teacher donated a huge bookshelf that stores my growing collection. And of course, I have a never-ending Amazon list of books waiting to be bought.


For years, I struggled to read. It felt like a punishment. After studying best practices, surrounding myself with other readers, flipping my mindset, I now look forward to reading every day. I am now a reader and proud of it!

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


You know the saying, “Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” That might be true, but so is this phrase, “Another teacher’s trash is huge weight off their shoulders!”


I finally did it! I discarded about 10 trash bags of teaching materials (junk…fine I said it) that I had been hoarding since the beginning of my teaching career. 


My yearly organization came full circle a few days ago. Before I could enjoy my summer vacation, my apartment needed some TLC…a lot of it. The agreement was simple: reorganize the array of teaching tubs stored in my apartment and clean out my cabinets and closets. A process that takes an easy leisure 24-48 hours. What I didn’t expect was that I’d mount trash bag after trash bag. 


I’m a recovering hoarder. My hoarding consisted of teaching items dating back to 6 years ago. No, I’m not taking about student work or pictures. I’m taking about the pool noodles I used for a beach day in your classroom during your second year of teaching (4+ years ago) that have since survived two U-Haul moves and otherwise go unnoticed. Yep, that was me. Guilty. 


But something washed over me this time after sending the embarrassing before picture to a fellow teacher: I don’t need all those teaching items anymore. A few months ago, I trashed all the empty food boxes I gathered I thought I’d use for a cooking classroom transformation that has never happened. If I receive it, my brain typically wants to find a way to use it in the classroom, rather than for its other purpose: trash. I looked at the tubs and sporadically decided, I didn’t need all of them anymore. That was a good first step.


The more I started reorganizing bin after bin, the more I realized what I use yearly and what hasn’t been touched in ages. I made the decision to trash and donate the items that weren’t necessary anymore. It took a little longer than my younger purge. I was more strategic with what I was storing outside and inside, and needed stay or say goodbye to. 


To be honest, a year ago, I wouldn’t have trashed anything (hints why I still had the items in the first place). Saying goodbye to items that you had fond memories with is hard, but taking pictures keep the memories alive. The weirdest part, that wasn’t my plan in the first place. The more I added to trash bag or donation piles, the happier I felt. 


Looking at my apartment now, it feels lighter and breathable. The sun shines a bit brighter, the carpet looks better, and I feel lighter! My apartment normally is very organized, but this time just feels different. I feel happier and content!


Taking out the trash isn’t ever fun. Sometimes it accumulates for days, weeks, months, or years. Maybe its materialist items that you’ve been holding onto for years that lay waste in your garage. Or it might be a friend that you’re no longer interested in talking to. I promise you; you won’t miss that item, friend, or greasy desire as much as you think you will. Whenever the time is right, grab a bag or click the unfriend button and don’t miss your opportunity to get rid of your trash because you know deep down in the mounting pile it’s necessary for a better you! 

Saturday, April 30, 2022


As part of our science unit, we’re going to grow plants and butterflies!


            When I hatched the idea of having chickens in our classroom, I didn’t know it would grow into something much bigger. Long behold, many types of plants, releasing butterflies, and hatching praying mantises. What’s come out of these experiments, have been much larger than I anticipated. 


            It starts with an idea. What we plant today, will grow into something much greater tomorrow. The time to start planting is right now; not tomorrow, not next week, not next month. That’s often the hardest part. If you want to change your future, the planting has to start today. 


            Preparation. What do you need to grow? Maybe that’s support from your friends, your family, your job, etc. Maybe it means getting off the couch. It might also mean actual tools. Maybe… for you to start growing it means creating a plan, being patient, or letting go of the past. Give yourself the necessary materials so you can start growing.


            Water. I can go often without water, but how little do I give myself water. Water is necessary! By water I mean a few things: forgiveness, patience, space, and peace. In order to grow you need to water yourself as needed. For everyone that can mean different things. For me, it means I need to run a few times a week, read often, experience a thrill, and literally water my plants. These things fill me up. Sometimes you’re going to need more water than other times, so fill yourself up when you needed. 


            Time. Give yourself time to grow. When I was an Africa a man told me, “Americans have watches, Africans have time.” He was absolutely correct. That sentence still haunts me because I’m its biggest offender. I’m always on time, looking at the time, racing the time, or trying to find more time. Rarely am I ever enjoyingthe time. Growth doesn’t just happen immediately, it takes preparation, water, and actual time. Give yourself at least that much. 


            Leaves. As you grow taller leaves form. These leaves might be new friends, passions, and ideas. All the preparation, water, and time you’ve put forth have now given you new leaves. Some leaves will stay and continue growing, while others will droop and die. Keep watering and let the necessary leaves live. Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of toxic friendships and habits for you to grow. it hurts in moment, but in the end the most important leaves will stay with you.


            Bloom! It’s a sight that you’ve been waiting for! It’s such a good feeling to feel good and see progress! You glow differently. The world is much brighter. You’re full of water and leaves. All the time and preparation paid off Everything seems just right! Enjoy it as long as you can and keep doing what made you bloom!


            In life, there will be days when we’re dropping ready to quit. While other times, we’ll be growing leaves and blooming! Sometimes these moments last days, months, or even years. With a little water, sunshine, and my favorite, time, you can experience more blooming more often than not. You got this! Start planting today!