Where: Beach
Who: You
Date & Time: Anytime
Occasion: Mental Health
I have a confession: I’ve lived in Florida for almost four years and before this past March I had only gone to the beach twice. If you did the math that means I was averaging going to the beach every TWO YEARS. A twenty something, single male, hardworking educator, living in Florida went to the beach twice in 4 years. I’m embarrassed for all of us.
Let’s fast forward to since March. I’ve gone 5 times in a 10-week span. In May alone, I went three times and finished a book all three times. Ironically, May was my top book month with five books. As a former NBA Coach famously said, “Take that for data!” Do the math, and that averages a beach day every two weeks. That’s much more Floridian don’t cha think?
With every school year, I get tired. It seemed like more teachers were tired more than ever this year, and rightly so. Honestly, I never believed those posts about “make sure to take time for yourself” because I always convinced myself I was. The truth is, I haven’t taken time for myself since I started teaching five years ago, until recently. For me, that meant saying ‘no’ to voluntarily working with my extended day kiddos and just going home when the clock hit 3:30pm. Weekends became the beach or couch parties. All were firsts for me.
It wasn’t until I drove to the beach after school on my birthday in April that I realized just how relaxing and needed it was. I soaked up the sun for 3+ hours that afternoon with minimal people. I highly recommend you try it. Get off work, and drive to the beach. I drive an hour and will continue in a heartbeat. “But Jordan I don’t live near a beach.” Then go somewhere desolate where you can gather your thoughts. Change into your beach attire, bring a snack and book, and go for a few hours, even if it just one hour. I promise, you’ll thank me later.
There’s just something about the sound of the waves, the vibrant colors, and darkening of my skin that makes it all feel right. It’s free, gets my reading in, which results in bettering my mental health. #Winning
My next goal is to leave the phone in the car. I’m guilty of checking it after reading a chapter or hourly. At least I’m going to the beach and leaving school at an early time. Remember, small successes have big results!
So grab your sunscreen (thanks Nurse Jessie), rock those sunglasses, eat juicy watermelon, and soak up the rays at your own beach party. You deserve it!