“Mr. Potrzeba, I’m trying to give you a hundred, but I’m just so exhausted.” – current student
When my student said that phrase it immediately stuck with me. That girl had worked extremely hard to get caught up on her work, even spending a few hours after school reading. She was also cooking and helping her own siblings with their homework…a ten year old. She exemplified what it meant to give “hundred” and that’s why hundred is my word for 2021.
When I think of hundred, I think of words like: number, big, amount. But when I say, “give hundred”, it means more than the numerical value. To me giving hundred means maximum effort, all out, living life to its fullest, trying the best you can.
Everyone’s hundred will look different. What you give at a hundred on your best day will be different than what I give on my best day. That’s perfectly okay. Some days your hundred will vary pending on a number of factors: sleep, if you had your coffee or not, if you worked out before going to work, etc. That’s okay too.
When the clock strikes midnight, flipping the calendar to New Year’s Day, we are immediately recharged. People flock to gyms and post their optimism all over social media, as we should. It’s an exciting time! People are ready to give a hundred! But what about after day 22 or day 97, 164, or even 322?
Giving a hundred for 365 days is not an easy feat, some might say near impossible. But with the right mindset or visuals: calendars, motivational notes, and a support team I believe it’s entirely possible!
For example, today I was at the end of my run when that voice inside crept in and said, “It’s okay to slow down. You’re still recovering from surgery. There’s always tomorrow.” But I intentionally didn’t listen and pushed forward and accomplished my goal of running a mile faster than six minutes. That took giving a hundred to the very last second.
Imagine how incredible your life could be if we all give a hundred. I personally think of everything I could accomplish. Afterall, if it’s important to you, you’ll find time for it. You want to read more? Set an alarm each day to read. You want to eat better? Create a grocery list and meal plan. You want to run a marathon? Start with walking or running a mile and build up.
Whatever your goals are this year give a hundred and just wait until you see the results! You got this! Have the happiest, healthiest, craziest 2021 EVER!