2021 has been a roller coaster ride for the ages.
January, like every January is like strapping in your seatbelt on the ride. You’re nervous and excited, just like you are for the new year! You’ve set new goals and hopes. This is what you waited so long in line for, now it’s time to go.
Then you start moving toward and up the incline. You immediately realize…maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Think of this as the goals you’ve set (working out more, saving money, etc.). It hits you that maybe you need to rethink your priorities.
Now you’re at the top! This is moment you’ve worked all year for. Life is good. You have a moment to yourself. It’s the calm before the storm. You can finally breathe again. Except…
Down you go! Loop de loop, twist, turn, another loop, speed increases, one after one. It feels like you’re spiraling out of control. Things aren’t going your way. You can’t control what’s happening. As a matter fact, you’re just along for the ride.
Suddenly the breaks clamp, the ride slows to crawl. It’s over. You can relax. It’s a relieving feeling. After getting off the ride you realize…it wasn’t all that bad.
The reality is every year is a roller coaster ride that doesn’t stop. The ride can go in any order you, your career, or the world chooses. Sometimes it’s predictable (daily commute to work), and sometimes it isn’t (new boss, family crisis, new opportunities). This year was my rollercoaster.
It all started (as most years do) with lots of optimism. Then the twists and turns happened in late January: my principal moved, and a girl broke up with me, and depression set in. After my heartbreaks, I experienced two big inclines and thrills: I went ziplining for the first time and I went to the beach by myself. I remember the nervousness I felt as I drove to both, but afterward I was thankful I went. I ended up going to the beach over 7 times this year! These followed more loops: never ending Covid rule changes, my self-inflected hot sauce punishment, and being forced to use a workbook that isn’t best for my class.
In all, there’s been many big highs: surprising my parents this summer, $12,000 in donations to my classroom, and I finished my long endorsement class just to name a few. I’ve learned a lot about myself more than any other year and proud of the growth I’ve made. Despite the twists and turns, there was plenty of peaks, inclines, and thrills! It was a great ride!