Sunday, June 28, 2020

Moving Toward Success

Fold, tape, pack, repeat. The progress of moving is never an easy one. It requires planning, anticipation, heavy lifting, compromise, and change. The time it takes to get acclimated after a move can take weeks, months, and even years. But it might be just be the best thing for you.

Dating all the way back to my fourth year of college, I’ve moved six times in six years,. It’s become a routine of sorts. Come June, you can almost always expect to see a U-Haul with my face in the driver’s seat. All six moves were to different cities (not job switches). Two of the six moves were to different states; the biggest was moving to Florida, a state I had never visited. Five of the six moves traveled more than 45 minutes. And luckily…four of the six moves I stayed on the first floor. 

I’m constantly moving, almost non-stop. I’m not talking about moving to get exercise. I do that too and encourage you to do it. I’m talking about moving toward my goals and my tribe and to a better life. I will not settle where I’m at until I’m happy and I believe you shouldn’t either.

What’s one goal you have for yourself? Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Maybe it’s a career or financial goal. Now how are you going to accomplish it? What steps do you need to create to do it? Do you know the steps? Can you achieve that goal where you currently are? 

For me, I find myself saying ‘no’ to many of the answers above and as a result I move. I don’t just wake up, snap my fingers, and move. I carefully weigh my options, think of finances, and talk to my closest and realist allies. Moving is stressful and often difficult. It takes thoughtful planning and lots of communication. If I believe it’s in my best interest to do so, then I start packing my things.

I have a friend who’s moved TWELEVE different times to multiple states. TWELEVE times! She and her husband refused to settle for mediocrity. I’m happy to say they’re happily living in Florida with their two dogs, teaching at a school they love! Your life is too short to stay confined to one location or job that you aren’t enjoying.

Moving to a new job, a new city, and a new address is full of many scary unknowns. But you’ll never know unless you take that daring step. Sometimes you’re going to fall. But sometimes you’re going to soar! That’s a risk I will be willing to take because my happiness is worth it. 

You deserve to live in a location that is safe and comfortable and meets your life. You deserve to work in a place that values, challenges, and grows you. You deserve all this and more. So grab a box!