Sunday, May 31, 2020

Goodbye, DLE

The tears flowed down my face. The words refused to come out of my mouth. I knew what I had to do. I never imagined it would be this hard…again. Finally I said it, “I won’t be returning to DLE next year. The shocked look on their faces through the screen said it all. I put my hands over my face and began to sob.

In a few days, I went from being 100% committed to returning to my school and renewing my apartment lease, to all the sudden switching in the middle of a pandemic. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but was tougher than I imagined. Leaving behind students that had a profound impact on me, selfless parents, and an amazing staff was almost unbearable. It was not an easy decision. I sought out professionals and my truest friends to help give me straight forward advice. To my surprise, all ten told me to take the job. In my heart I know this is the right decision for me. 

This year I bought big “FAMILY” letters and posted in them on our classroom wall. This stood as an emphasis anytime my students, myself, or any visitor walked into our classroom for what we stood for. This also stood as reminder that in good or bad times, we stick together and will overcome any challenge. We didn’t have a perfect year, but we all came together when it mattered most. We achieved many great things too! Students broke many classroom & school records. Our attendance was off the charts. Students were actually excited to come to read. I’m proud of every single one of them.

We let no obstacles get in the way. Early in the school year after a hardship, I still did everything I promised I would do…and more. When I sprained my ankle in late January and was forced into crutches and a boot, the next day I created the biggest Superbowl classroom transformation I’ve ever done. My students were a big help. And when the pandemic hit, our class was the first class in our county to resume digital learning and read alouds. Why? Because when the students had an idea, we found a found a way to make it happen. 

With all that said, you have to take advantage of the opportunities you’re given. Even it means saying the hardest goodbyes. I would’ve never guessed this new opportunity would come around as fast as it did. I don’t live my life with regrets, and neither should you. I’m heartbroken to leave behind a place I called home and put so much into. I gave it 100% everyday I was there and really tried to enjoy the littlest moments, instead of taking a camera snapchat of every little thing we did. I believe my students did too. 

I’m still torn over leaving. It’s not easy. I had the best year ever thanks to so many people that helped me grow. Shout out to my students for who I will always remember and be inspired by. Goodbye DLE.